The FORMAT_NUMBER function is used to format numbers so that they are presented with thousand separators, decimals, or other numeric conventions. This is useful, for example, when working with large quantities or financial amounts.
The output format of FORMAT_NUMBER is always a text, even though it displays formatted numbers. This allows you to make numeric data more readable and easily integrated into other formulas or displays.
➡️ Display Name:
➡️ Syntax :
➡️ Example:
In this example, the function formats the number 1,234,567.89 by adding thousand separators (space) and displaying two decimals after the comma.
💡 Why format numbers?
- Readability: Imagine trying to read this number: 1234567. It's a bit difficult, right? With the right formatting, you can make it easier to read like this: 1,234,567.
- Consistency: Sometimes you want all your numbers to have exactly two decimals, for example for financial amounts like 123.00.
✏️ These templates allow you to choose how the number is displayed, with or without decimals, and with or without thousand separators.
Here are some useful formats:
ℹ️ For more detailed conversion format requirements, see the technical documentation here.
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