Formulas V2 TimeTonic We have modernized the formula language! All your current formulas have been automatically converted and should continue to work as before.To learn how to use the new formula column: Find the overview of TimeTonic Formulas V2 Learn more ➔ |
Formulas are the heart of your data development. They allow you to transform, calculate, and manipulate the information stored in your columns in a dynamic and intelligent way. By combining several functions, formulas automate processes and bring your data to life, paving the way for optimized and personalized management of your table.
1️⃣ Insert a new formula column into your table
⚙️ Configurator
✏️ The formula editor
To write a formula in the editor, you have two options:
- Enter the first characters of your function or operator.
- Type $ to access a column from your table.
Or select from the glossary the elements you want to include in the editor.
Here, this formula allows you to see the day of the week associated with this birth date.
This formula consists of:
1 function 🔵, 1 field 🟡
TimeTonic Formulas V2 rely on their ability to nest within each other, meaning you can combine multiple formulas into one expression to perform complex calculations or transformations. Nesting formulas allows you to use the result of one formula as input for another, enabling you to build powerful logic and automate processes smoothly.
This format uses icons (🔵, 🟡, 🟢) to easily identify the elements that make up the formula.
💬 Here, this formula allows you to see if an individual is "Adult" or "Minor"
This formula consists of:
2 functions 🔵, 1 field 🟡, and 2 conditions 🟢
Explanation of elements:
🔵 YEAR_ADD()is used to add 18 years to the 🟡 birth date.
The comma (
) : In this function, it is used to separate different parameters. -
The symbol
🟢 >
means "greater than" and is used to compare two values. -
🔵 TODAY()is used to retrieve the current date.
The ternary condition
🟢 TERNARY CONDITION()checks if the birth date + 18 years is greater than the current date. If it's true, the person is a minor; otherwise, they are an adult.
= Expected result:
If the individual is under 18 years old, the formula will return "Minor", otherwise "Adult."
📌 Refresh formulas after every modification 💬
➡️ Click on the icon to access the menu.
➡️ Click on "Refresh formulas" to recalculate the result with the modification.
2️⃣ Output format options
In this tab, you have the option to convert one format type to another, allowing you to control how your data is displayed.
🔰 Why use output format options?
The output format option is especially useful when you combine multiple functions in a formula, such as the concatenation of text with a date. It allows you to transform and display your data in the format that suits you.
But this option is also useful when using a single function. It allows you to convert the output format to match your needs.
By properly defining the output format type, you ensure that the data is displayed clearly and is appropriate for the usage (date, text, number, etc.).
⚠️ Warning: Not all output formats are compatible with each other!
For example:
- You cannot convert a URL into a number.
- You cannot transform a date into a URL.
If you attempt to combine incompatible formats, the function will return an empty result.
💡 Tip: Use FORMAT_DATE and FORMAT_NUMBER To avoid compatibility issues, you can use functions like FORMAT_DATE or FORMAT_NUMBER, which always return results as text. This makes it easy to manipulate data without errors, as text is compatible with most combinations. |
Here is the list of available output types in the configuration window:
1️⃣ Text
2️⃣ Multi-line text
3️⃣ URL
4️⃣ Date
- Select format (MM/DD/YYYY)...
- ☑️ Include time
5️⃣ Number
- Select the number output format
- Round your number from 0 to 6 decimal places
- Select the value symbol
6️⃣ Coordinates
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Glossary View of Formulas
Quickly find the function or operator you are looking for or simply explore and learn how to use them...
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