In a formula column, the SUBSTR() function allows you to extract a certain number of characters of your choice contained in a character string from a location that you specify.
For example, you can use this formula to create an automatic numbering sequence for your invoices.
SUBSTR(Colonne souhaitée, caractère de départ, nombre de caractères)
The first parameter is the column containing the string.
The "0" defines from which character you want to apply the formula.
The "," is our separator here. TimeTonic uses "," as the default separator.
The "3" indicates that you want to extract 3 characters.
I want to automatically create a numbering stub for my invoices according to the type of document (a quote, an invoice or a credit note in this case).
And here is the result, the column "Quote N°" returns the type of document and allows you to generate an automatic numbering of your quotes, invoices or credit notes: