The Company Account workspace allows you to easily manage the rights of each user on each of your company's workspaces.
💡 Note: When one of your users creates a workspace, the account on which the "Company Account" has been configured instantly becomes the owner. You therefore have a global view of all workspaces of all your users.
You cannot manage the transfer of ownership from the company account. |
You can manage user rights in 2️⃣ ways (the one via Pivot table being preferred because of its simplicity):
1️⃣ Via the tables
Go to the Rights table:
Find all the information you need:
- The user (User column)
- The workspace (Book column)
And the editable fields concerning the rights of each user on each workspace:
- The right level (column Right level)
- The access authorization to the messaging system (Messages column)
- The access authorization to the workspace from Web or Web + Mobile (Web column)
For example: here, "lucas2" is the owner of the workspace "admin.lucas2". As owner, I can't change his rights.
The user "jean" is in "User". He has access to the message area and only has access to the workspace via mobile. I can change his rights in a flash:
User "jean" automatically becomes a user with "limited" rights, no longer has access to the message area and has access to TimeTonic from Web + Mobile on the workspace "admin.lucas2".
2️⃣ Pivot table
💡 Note: In order to facilitate the management of a large number of users and workspaces, the use of the user or workspace search is done via the column and row filters of the DCT. (see following illustration). |
1. list of users
- Search for the ID of the user you wish to manage. - Uncheck "Select all". - Check the users to be managed in the Pivot table |
2. list of tables
- Search for the workspace you want to manage. - Uncheck "Select all". - Check the workspaces to be managed in the Pivot table |
Manage the rights of each user on each workspace:
Go to the Users' Right Level (Pivot) :
Find your users in line and your workspaces in columns and edit directly in the rights of each via this table. The right will be directly applied to the workspace in question.
For example : here, "jbinoche" is owner of the workspace "deplacement.jbinoche" and "ahitchcock" is read-only on this workspace. I can give him any right on this workspace except "Owner".
Manage the display of the user chat on each workspace
Go to Users' Messages Right (Pivot) :
Find your users online and your workspaces in columns and edit directly in the rights of each via this table. The chat will appear or not depending on the permission granted directly in the workspace in question.
For example : here, "jbinoche" sees the chat of the workspace "accountscompany.jbinoche" and "ahitchcock" has no access to it. I can give him access to the workspace chat by changing his right.
Manage the access for each user on each workspace :
Go to the Users' Web Right (Pivot) :
Find your online users and workspaces in columns and edit directly in the access for each via this table. The access via mobile or web+mobile of the user to the workspace in question will depend on the option you have chosen.
For example: here, "jbinoche" has access to the workspace "accountscompany.jbinoche" both from the Web and from the Mobile. However, "ahitchcock" has access to the workspace only from the mobile. I can change this option and give him access to the workspace via Web + Mobile