Table Summary
Name | Syntax | Example | Description |
5 == 5 ➡️ true
Checks if two values are equal. | |
5 != 3 ➡️ true
Checks if two values are not equal. | |
3 < 5 ➡️ true
Checks if one value is less than another. | |
5 > 3 ➡️ true
Checks if one value is greater than another. | |
3 <= 5 ➡️ true
Checks if one value is less than or equal to another. | |
5 >= 5 ➡️ true
Checks if one value is greater than or equal to another. | |
age > 18 AND city == "Paris" ➡️ the condition will be true only if the person is older than 18 and lives in Paris.
Logical operator "AND", returns true if all conditions are true. | |
5 + 3 ➡️ 8
Adds two values. | |
5 - 3 ➡️ 2
Subtracts one value from another. | |
5 * 3 ➡️ 15
Multiplies two values. | |
15 / 3 ➡️ 5
Divides one value by another. | |
10 % 3 ➡️ 1 · Divides 10 by 3 and returns the remainder of the division, so the remainder is 1... Useful to check for even numbers or cycles.
Returns the remainder of a division. | |
2 ** 3 ➡️ 8 · means 2 raised to the power of 3 · so 2 ** 3 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8
Raises one value to the power of another. | |
age > 18 OR city == "Paris" ➡️ true The condition will be true if either of the two conditions is true.
Logical operator "OR", returns true if at least one condition is true. | |
IN("5", [1, 2, 3,5 ] ➡️ true · the element is found in the list, the result will be true.
Used to check if a value is part of a specific set of values. | |
condition ? success : failure
X > 5 ? 'Yes' : 'No' ➡️ If the value of X is greater than 5, the condition returns "Yes", otherwise it returns "No"
Returns one of the two values depending on the specified condition. |
Date Functions
Name | Syntax | Example | Description |
MIN_DATE_ELEMENTS(date1, date2, ...)
MIN_DATE_ELEMENTS('2023-01-01', '2023-06-01') ➡️ Result: '2023-01-01'.
Displays the earliest date among the selected columns. | |
MAX_DATE_ELEMENTS(date1, date2, ...)
MAX_DATE_ELEMENTS('2023-01-01', '2023-06-01') ➡️ Result: '2023-06-01'.
Displays the latest date among the selected columns. | |
DATE_ADD(date, number)
DATE_ADD(TODAY(), 7) ➡️ Adds 7 days to the current date.
Displays a date that is the sum of an existing date and a number of added days. | |
DATE_ADDNB(date, number)
DATE_ADDNB(TODAY(), 10) ➡️ Adds 10 working days to the current date.
Displays a date that is the sum of a date from a date column and an integer number of working days. | |
DATEHOUR_ADD(date, number)
DATEHOUR_ADD('2024-09-17 12:00:00', 2)
Allows adding a number representing the number of hours to a date from a 'date and time' column. |
Text Functions
Name | Syntax | Example | Description |
TEXT_DAY('2024-09-17') ➡️ Result: 'Tuesday'
Displays the day of the week from a date (e.g., 'Tuesday'). | |
EXTRACT_ELEMENT(value, number, text)
EXTRACT_ELEMENT('apple,banana,cherry', 2, ',')
Allows extracting an element contained in a cell based on various parameters. | |
APPLY_MASK(text, number)
APPLY_MASK('1234567890', XXXXXX@@@@) ➡️ Result: 7890
Allows masking characters with X or displaying characters with @ in a selected column or only showing the first two characters with @@. | |
HTML_TO_TEXT('<p>Hello world!</p>') ➡️ Result: Hello world!
Converts HTML text into readable text for your collaborators. | |
SUBSTR(text, number1, number2)
SUBSTR('Hello world', 0, 5) ➡️ Result: Hello · 0 = starting index, 5 = number of characters
Allows extracting part of a string by specifying a starting index and a number of characters. | |
FORMAT_NUMBER(value, format)
FORMAT_NUMBER(12345.678, '0,0.00')
Formats a number with a thousand separator and decimals. | |
FORMAT_DATE(value, format)
Displays the date in day/month/year format. |
Numeric Functions
Name | Syntax | Example | Description |
SUM(number1, number2, ...)
SUM(10, 20, 30) ➡️ Result: 60.
Adds the content of several columns together. | |
SUBTRACT(columnNum1, columnNum2, ...)
SUBTRACT(100, 45) ➡️ Result: 55.
Subtracts the content of several columns from one another. | |
MIN(columnNum1, columnNum2, ...)
MIN(10, 25, 5) ➡️ Result: 5.
Displays the smallest numeric value among the selected columns. | |
MAX(columnNum1, columnNum2, ...)
MAX(10, 25, 5) ➡️ Result: 25.
Displays the largest numeric value among the selected columns. | |
COUNT_ELEMENTS(value1, value2, ...)
COUNT_ELEMENTS('apple', 'banana', 'cherry') ➡️ Result: 3 (number of elements).
Displays the number of elements contained in the selected columns. | |
SUM_ELEMENTS(value1, value2, ...)
SUM_ELEMENTS(10, 20, 30)
➡️ Result: 60. |
Used to sum the numeric values of selected columns, including columns containing multiple values separated by commas. | |
MIN_NUM_ELEMENTS(value1, value2, ...)
➡️ Result: 5. |
Displays the smallest value among the selected columns. | |
MAX_NUM_ELEMENTS(value1, value2, ...)
➡️ Result: 20. |
Displays the largest value among the selected columns. |
Other Functions
Name | Syntax | Example | Description |
IF(condition, true_value, false_value)
IF(age > 18, "adult", "minor")
Allows executing a condition with a value based on whether the condition is true or false. | |
CONCAT(column_Name, ' ', column_FirstName)
➡️ "Martin Simon" |
Allows concatenating several columns together and adding text. | |
CONCAT_URL(param1, param2, ...)
CONCAT_URL('', 'user/123') ➡️ Result: ""
Concatenates the contents of columns and creates a clickable URL link from the parts. | |
URL_TRIGGER('') ➡️ Triggers the specified URL.
Triggers the specified URL on every change in the table. Table and row IDs are passed as parameters to the URL. | |
GEOLOC('12 Rue de Rivoli, 75004, Paris') ➡️ (34.3687765; 56.3456778) longitude-latitude
Gets the geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a complete address. | |
COORDINATES(column1, column2)
In this example, the function COORDINATES(123, 456) will create a coordinate pair where 123 represents the X value and 456 represents the Y value. |
Alows you to create a coordinate-type value with a pair of X and Y values. It is particularly useful for storing location information, such as points on a map or geographic locations. | |
In this example, COORDY will extract the Y value from the coordinate pair COORDINATES(123, 456), which will give 456. |
Allows you to extract the X part of a pair of coordinates. This is useful when you want to isolate only the value | |
In this example, the COORDY function will extract the Y value from the coordinate pair COORDINATES(123, 456), which is 456. |
Allows you to extract the Y part of a pair of coordinates. This is useful when you want to isolate only the Y value from coordinate type data. | |
IS_EMPTY(text, date, checkbox, number, list, link property, or relation)
IF(EMPTY(Name), "Name missing", "Name defined") ➡️ If the Name field is empty, the result will be "Name missing".
Allows checking if a value is empty. | |
Allows you to check if a value is empty or null in a column or field. It is commonly used in databases to test whether a cell contains data or not. |
Before You Start
Getting Started with Formulas
New formulas in Timetonic, allow you to transform, calculate, and manipulate the information stored in your columns, by combining multiple functions...
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