TimeTonic now offers you the possibility to make your columns conditionally visible in the form view.
Do you need a reliable process with little room for error? Conditional visibility is made for that.
Define criteria to make fields appear or not. Organise a process depending on the answers you will enter in TimeTonic.
For this tutorial, we start with a CRM with a customer journey. Your advisors follow a script and the customer record will adapt itself according to the answers provided by your team.
This is what it looks like on TimeTonic:
If the customer is the target, then the advisor can continue the script, i.e. define whether the call was successful. Each "yes" step opens the next step.
In case a step is "no", the field "reason" appears, allowing the advisor to enter the reason for the refusal or failure. The following steps are therefore not visible.
Once your workspace is built, go to the column options :
A drop down menu appears, select "Conditional visibility".
A pop-up window appears, allowing you to create your condition. This is where you dictate when the column will appear in the form mode.
Please note: Even if the columns are hidden in your view, the data can be accessed via the page inspector.
If you restrict the reasons columns to the "no" answers of the choice columns, and restrict the choice columns to the "yes" answers of the previous choices, you get an answer tree which allows you to fill in the forms efficiently.
Case 1 : Yes / No
Case n°2 : No
Case 3 : Yes / Yes