You can now automatically generate your Excel or Word templates and for that nothing could be easier!
⚠️ It is necessary that you consult the Excel or Word articles in order to use the Automatic Document feature! ⚠️ |
If you have already created a template for an invoice, a quote or any other administrative document, TimeTonic makes your life easier by allowing you to create a column directly linked to this template.
Thus, in the created column will appear a URL allowing you to directly download the pre-filled document.
Autodoc with pre-filled template
Start by inserting a new column.
Select a column of type Automatic Document via the pop up window that appears :
Then select the template you want to upload automatically. (Here we will use the template "Autotest.docx", an invoice template).
You can now automatically export your data with your templates on each row of your table.
With the option "button name", you can transform the link into a button :
Autodoc from an attachment type column
First insert in the table a column of type Attachment and add your template (Word or Excel) in it (Attention: only one template per column)
Then, in the same way as before, insert a new column of type "Automatic document" and check the option "Use a column as a template for export".
Then select in "Column of template files to be used for export" the column of type attachment in which you have added your template
You can now automatically generate your documents thanks to the template in a column of the table
In case your template changes, delete the old version in the attachment column and add the new one, then in the options of the Automatic document column click on "Refresh automatic document links".
Automatically save the document
In both cases, you can choose to save the generated document directly in an attachment column.
First of all insert in the table a column of type Attachment which will be used as a destination for the generated documents.
Simply choose the "Attachment" column as the destination for saving the templates :
You have 2 choices: save the document in its original form (Excel or Word) or directly as a PDF.
To save as a PDF, check the "export to PDF" box :
Naming your generated documents
You can automatically name your generated files in 2️⃣ ways.
Using a column value
You can name your documents according to the value of a column.
For example, you can point to a CONCAT() formula containing for example "Invoice" as a constant and get an automatic number field to number your generated invoices.
As a constant
By directly entering the name you want to give to the generated document, all documents will have the same name.